(scroll below for Saniderm aftercare)
You will need:
Liquid orange Dial soap, or unscented liquid Dr. Bronner’s
Aquaphor in a tube, not a jar (travel size is plenty)
Paper towels
Unscented lotion
With a fresh tattoo you must NEVER:
expose it to direct sunlight (stay covered until it’s healed)
soak it in water (showers are okay, but absolutely no swimming, baths, or hot tubs. seriously dangerous!!!)
apply anything other than soap, aquaphor, and unscented lotion to your tattoo
At your appointment, your tattooer will wrap you with vaseline & saran wrap. Leave this wrap on for 2-4 hours.
When you take the bandage off at home, wash your tattoo thoroughly to remove all plasma, excess ink, and fluid.
Easiest in the shower but can also be done in the sink using a few paper towels.
Wash your tattoo using warm running water, your hands, and a liquid, unscented, antibacterial hand soap. Carefully blot dry with a paper towel.
Never use a washcloth, bar soap, or bath towel on your tattoo, as those things hold bacteria.
Be sure to wash carefully until you don’t feel anything slick or slimy remaining on the surface.
If you feel especially swollen, be sure to stay hydrated & you are welcome to take a regular anti-inflammatory like aspirin or acetaminophen. If your tattoo is below your knees, elevation can also help with inflammation.
Do not apply any Aquaphor the first day.
DAYS 2-3:
Wash your tattoo twice a day (morning & evening), and apply a very thin layer of Aquaphor. Use the smallest amount possible, ensuring an extremely thin layer.
Air-dry, or wear soft, loose clothes over your tattoo whenever possible, avoiding any chafing fabrics or elastic directly over the tattoo.
Strictly avoid touching your tattoo as much as possible – hands hold a ton of bacteria.
Wash your tattoo again after exercising or sweating, or if you know it has come in contact with an unclean surface (hands, desk, bed, etc.)
DAYS 4-7:
Continue to wash your tattoo twice a day.
Once your tattoo feels dry to the touch (no longer open & damp), you can switch from Aquaphor to a gentle, unscented white hand lotion. Something thin & absorbable like Eucerin, Jergens, Aveeno, etc. Apply as needed – the goal is to keep your healing tattoo moisturized but never damp & soggy. For some folks this might mean twice a day, for others it might mean more – pay attention to your body & moisturize accordingly.
DAYS 5-10:
At this point your tattoo will start peeling. It is important to leave peeling skin alone, and let it come off in its own time. Picking at peeling skin can encourage pigment to pull or fall out, making your tattoo patchy.
Continue using lotion sparingly as needed to moisturize your healing tattoo, and give some relief to itchy peeling skin.
DAYS 10+:
Once your tattoo has fully finished peeling, your tattoo is done healing. At this point you can return to soaking or swimming, and your tattoo can be in direct sunlight.
This is when you can resume using other products (moisturizers, sunscreens, etc.) on your tattoo.
+++ FOR BEST LIFESPAN FOR YOUR TATTOO +++ Use a zinc-based / physical / mineral sunscreen! Ignore the SPF, and instead look for a sunscreen that contains at least 20% zinc oxide. SPF chemicals increase your skin’s resistance to UV radiation, but does not protect the pigment laying just under the surface of your skin! Sun exposure is the no. 1 factor in a tattoo aging, and using a mineral sunscreen, or staying covered in the sun is your best line of defense against this.
If you have questions during any point of the healing process, please reach out and I’ll be happy to help!
+++ LillinKarinTattoo @ +++
You will need:
Liquid orange Dial soap, or unscented liquid Dr. Bronner’s
Additional piece of saniderm (optional)
Paper towels
Unscented lotion
At your appointment your tattooer will apply a piece of saniderm to your tattoo. Your tattoo continues to seep and produce some blood & plasma for several hours after, so your saniderm bandage will collect some dark fluid in it. This is normal, and everyone’s level of seeping is different.
About 24 hours after the saniderm is applied, change it out for a fresh piece using the steps below:
Wash your hands.
Remove your saniderm in the shower, under warm running water.
Pull gently from one corner, away from your tattoo (stretch it out like you’re making a bed, rather than peeling it off like a yogurt lid).
Move slowly, removing a little at a time. If it starts to feel stuck, try from a different edge. Use the running water to help lift the adhesive off.
Wash your tattoo with dial antibacterial soap or unscented castille soap.
Be sure to wash carefully until you don’t feel anything slick or slimy remaining on the surface.
Never use a wash cloth or bath towel. Instead use your hand, and blot dry with a paper towel.
With clean hands, apply the second piece of saniderm directly to your tattoo, with nothing underneath.
*** For some smaller tattoos, your tattooer may recommend simply keeping the first piece on for up to 4 days (without changing it). If your tattooer did not instruct you to change your saniderm, continue to directions below.
DAYS 2-4:
Leave the second piece of saniderm on for up to 4 days. You may see some more seeping / fluid collect under the bandage - this is normal.
If your saniderm starts leaking, or peeling up and part of your tattoo is exposed, take the bandage off.
After 4 days, remove your saniderm.
Remove your saniderm in the shower, under warm running water.
Pull gently from one corner, away from your tattoo (stretch it out like you’re making a bed, rather than peeling it off like a yogurt lid).
Move slowly, removing a little at a time. If it starts to feel stuck, try from a different edge. Use the running water to help lift the adhesive off.
When your saniderm is fully removed, wash your tattoo thoroughly with warm water, your hands, and liquid soap to remove all traces of plasma, blood, excess ink, and fluid.
Be sure to wash carefully until you don’t feel anything slick or slimy remaining on the surface.
Carefully blot dry with a paper towel.
Apply unscented lotion 1-2 times daily
Tattoos healed with saniderm tend to not peel, but it’s not impossible, so continue to keep some lotion on hand in case you do see some small peeling. Your tattoo will be fully healed and safe to resume normal activities after 10 days.
Take the bandage off & let your tattooer know ASAP (ideally with a daylight photo). Some small reactions to saniderm are not uncommon. While they are annoying & uncomfortable, they are generally not permanent or dangerous. Your tattooer will be able to give you further steps from this point.
If you have questions during any point of the healing process, please reach out and I’ll be happy to help!
+++ LillinKarinTattoo @ +++